Alwyn Cosgrove: The FMS and Group Settings

Alwyn Cosgrove makes it easy to implement the FMS in a group setting: you already know what to do, movement screening just gives you information to do it more effectively.

Excerpted from The Future of Exercise Program Design

How do you implement the FMS when you get a group of people at once?

Here’s a team case study. It’s what we do with groups. Everybody who joins the gym gets individually screened. I have a baseline. We warm up, then you have one or two things to fix.

I’m assuming you’re cleared for exercise—there’s no pain. You don’t have to go to a therapist, you’re just not good at the movements. In the group, when I say, “Correctives,” one person’s doing his shoulder while another’s doing her core.

Then I offer options. We’re going to do a squat. Option one is a bodyweight squat. If that’s too tough, you’re going to do an assisted squat holding onto a strap or a rack. If that’s too easy, you’re going to grab a kettlebell and do a goblet squat. For every skilled exercise, there’s a corrective section for the additional stuff.

Does the screen suggest you shouldn’t squat? Here’s what happens. No squats for you. Do core.

If you have a small group, imagine you didn’t have any movement screen information.

What would you do?

Now you have movement screen information.

Enhance your programs.

What do you do differently? Don’t use groups as an excuse to skip steps.

More on this lecture, program design and the FMS at OTP:

The Future of Exercise Program DesignGray Cook, Lee Burton & Alwyn Cosgrove: The Future of Exercise Program Design Video

Alwyn Cosgrove Semi Private TrainingAlwyn Cosgrove: Designing Semi-Private Training Programs

functional movement screen, using the fms in groups, exercise programming for groupsMark Snow: Using the FMS in Groups