Evan Osar

Evan Osar is a chiropractic physician who specializes in corrective sports medicine. He lectures around the world and has written books, articles and training videos. As a chiropractic physician Dr. Evan Osar provides a unique perspective on corrective exercise and fundamental training principles for the health and fitness professional that works with the pre and post-rehabilitation, pre and post-natal, baby boomer and senior populations. Dr. Osar has become known for taking challenging information and putting it into useable information the health and fitness professional can apply immediately with their clientele. He is the creator of over a dozen resources including the highly acclaimed Corrective Exercise Approach to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction and has co-authored the recently released Functional Anatomy of the Pilates Core. He created the Integrative Corrective Exercise Instructor™ and Integrative Movement Specialist™ certifications to help health and fitness that work with the general population discover real-world strategies and solutions for improving posture and movement. For more information, please visit: www.fitnesseducationseminars.com


You’ll find more about Evan, along with his twice-monthly newsletters and media products at fitnesseducationseminars.com. His non-OTP media products include: