Posts tagged "Dan John"

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 36

Just settling in after a quick trip to Providence and Orlando. I will be in Munich, Germany this weekend and then have a couple of quiet(er) weeks. Even th...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 35

First off, let’s finish up the website tour of my Art of Coaching class in London. Last week, I highlighted some of our participant’s websites, and let&r...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 37

I got into a discussion with some advanced lifters about training methods here in Munich on Friday, and I tried to explain what I learned from Marty Gallagher. Basic...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 30

I am a big fan of James Clear. He went on a short vacation from blogging and now I'm happy to have him back. “Falling in love with boredom” might be the quote ...

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 34

I thought this week we should try something a bit new and different. I finished my firstArt of Coaching workshop in London last weekend and was impressed by the participants. The le...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 33

Basically, all I do now is travel and teach. I was talking with my group the other day about being careful with our goals. In junior college, I told my counselor—the only counselo...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 28

With the release of Can You Go?, I've been getting lots of email with questions about assessment, usually around the issue of longevity. I have this odd belief that w...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 32

I always carry a handkerchief on Father’s Day. Maybe one day I'll tell the story. But I always wish both my mother and father would have lived long enough to see my kids and m...

A quick chat with Dan John about assessments

Assessments are powerful tools that allow coaches and trainers to identify the big issues holding their clients back. By arming them with the right information, assessments allow coache...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy, Issue # 27

I preach the fundamentals. I preach the basics. I’m sure people listen, I’m just not sure they hear me. Unless you were born with a lot of family money, either you need...

Dan John’s Can You Go Release Celebration Gift

Exclusively For Dan's Wandering Weights Subscribers Limited Time—This Gift Offer Has Expired In celebration of Dan's new book release!  Can You Go?, avail...