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Here’s Your Exclusive The Shoulder DVD Bonus Offer
Shoulder injuries can put an athlete out for weeks or months.
Shoulder injuries can also lead to costly surgery and the frustrating process of rehabilitation— often with players never returning to their original form prior to the injury.
Whether your clients are professional athletes whose multi-million dollar contracts rely on their shoulders performing optimally and pain-free…
…or weekend warriors who just want to enjoy playing a favorite sport pain-free…
…you need to learn how to look after the shoulder.
In The Shoulder: Implications for the Overhead Athlete and Beyond, former LA Dodgers physical therapist and head athletic trainer, Sue Falsone will tell you what you need to know about the shoulder, including—
- Areas to pay attention to when working with overhead athletes
- How to assess the shoulder and identify possible issues
- Four common shoulder compensations found in overhead athletes, and how to correct them
PLUS Your Exclusive Therapy Insiders The Shoulder Bonus
When you buy Sue Falsone’s The Shoulder DVD from On Target Publications, you’ll not only get Sue Falsone’s 70-minute lecture, The Thoracic Spine, Gray Cook’s 47-minute lecture, Isolation, It’s Totally Natural AND an 8-minute video clip from Mark Cheng on breathing as included BONUSES…
…You’ll also get Sue Falsone’s 40-minute lecture, The Cervical Thoracic Junction – ABSOLUTELY FREE, as a thank you for being a Therapy Insiders Podcast listener.
To get Sue Falsone’s The Shoulder DVD, and your FOUR included bonuses, simply click on the yellow button on the right.

Click the button below to buy Sue Falsone’sThe Shoulder DVD and get your FREE Therapy Insiders Podcast bonus: