Welcome to the OTP Vault
Resources to help you move and perform better.
- Dan John's Four Quadrants
- Josh Hillis - How Food Really Works In Fat Loss
- Functional Movement System Principles
- Dan John - The Secrets of the Intervention Toolkit
- FMS Tests, Scoring Criteria, Score Sheet and Verbal Instructions
- Sue Falsone - Thoracic spine
- Dan John's 40 day Program
- Gray Cook - Expanding on the Joint By Joint Approach
- Dan John - Strength Standards, Warmups, Complexes
- Dan John - Training the Middle Age Client
- Stuart McGill - Testing Athletes with Jumps
- Charlie Weingroff - RNT for the Deep Squat
- Gray Cook - Asymmetry in Movement
- Dan John - Basic Human Movements
- Charlie Weingroff - The Core and Diaphragm
- Dan John - The Hinge and the Hinge Assessment Tool
- Gray Cook - Core Firing Sequence
- Dan John - The Turkish Getup
- Charlie Weingroff - Rolling Patterns for Rotary Stability
- Dan John - Setting Goals
- Lorimer Moseley - How to Explain Pain to Patients
- Dan John - The Goblet Squat
- Charlie Weingroff - What is PNF?
The OTP Vault
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On the sidebar to the left, you will find links to your OTP Vault articles and videos, as promised. You will find an array of resources to help you improve performance, function, movement, coaching skills and communication with clients.
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On Target Publications
P.S. If there are questions or topics you have that we haven’t covered yet, would you mind dropping me a line at matt@otpbooks.com? We are always looking for more and better ways to provide the quality resources YOU need.