Alwyn Cosgrove: The Program Is Your Responsibility

Let’s do a case study.

Here’s her personal history:
Female, 51 years old.
She’s an accountant with a desk job.
She has an intermediate rank in Taekwondo.
She has participated in 5K runs.

Medical history and health:
She’s overweight by 20 pounds.
Her other findings are normal. Everything else is cleared for exercise.
No risk factors.

Her movement health in the FMS is a ‘14.’

Is a ‘14’ good? It depends. It could be.

She’s cleared. She got ‘2s’ on everything with no asymmetries. It means she’s good to go, right?

She’s ready to train.

You have four weeks to deliver fat loss results to this client. She doesn’t care about her straight leg raise improvement or about her squat looking good. That’s something we care about. She cares about fat loss, getting into her skinny jeans in 28 days and looking hot . . . or you’re fired.

Trust me: You can tell her muscle weighs more than fat; we’re developing a base and we’re going to build on it.

The reality is if in 28 days the jeans won’t fasten, you’re fired. Plus she’s going on TV and telling the world your training program produced no results.

The pressure is on now—but not for me. This is a real client. I’ve delivered exactly what she wants. I’ll share with you how we did that later, but let’s ask some questions.

Is there any other information you want about this client before you write the program?
What do you want to know?

Nutrition has been addressed. Her sleep is good.

You’re now going to write the program to get visible fat loss in 28 days. That’s your job.

Is there anything else you want to know?

She’s an accountant who sits at a desk.
She also does Taekwondo.
She does 5K training twice a week.
She recovers and moves well.

She has a ‘14’ on the FMS.
She is overweight, over-fat is probably the better term.

She wants fat loss and to get lean.
She wants to feel better about herself.
She wants to develop muscle definition and to improve her posture a bit.

Is there any other information you want to know?

“Has she lost weight before?”
Yes, she’s regained it.

“Why is losing weight important to her?”
This gives you all of the powerful triggers as to why it’s important to her.

She’s committed. She has a high school reunion and a beach vacation. Motivation is not an issue.

What does she not need or want?
What does she need and want?

You have 28 days to deliver this program.

Here’s a clue. She only has two days to work out. Maybe someone should ask that before you write her program.

Okay, the questions are over. Turn to the person next to you. You have six minutes to write the first 28 days of this program and we’ll put it together as a group.

Let me see your programs, geniuses.

A program is a delivery system of everything you know. I don’t care how smart you are until I see the exercise program on paper and I watch this client get in shape—or not.

When clients get in shape, trainers will say, “That was my work.” When they don’t get in shape, they’ll say, “She didn’t follow my advice.”

Folks, it’s all you. It’s 100% your responsibility.

I don’t care if you do movement pattern splits, body part splits or a workout of the day.

For the purposes of this, I want us to think in terms of—what core exercises will you do with this client? Will you do any power training?

I broke the strength exercises down into movements—squat, single-leg stance, lunge, hinge, push, pull and twist. That’s everything the human body can do. We’re just going to train these—squat, single-leg stance, lunge, hinge, push, pull and twist.

Turn to the person next to you. You have six minutes, which is about five minutes more than you should need. Go!

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