Posts tagged "shoulder"

Sue Falsone: The Normal Shoulder Joint

Where should a shoulder assessment start? Sue Falsone highlights ideal shoulder joint anatomy and identifies common issues, especially among overhead athle...

Sue Falsone: Cervical Spine and Shoulder Movement

Shoulder movement should involve more than the shoulder. Sue Falsone looks at the roles played by the cervical spine and thoracic spine.

Sue Falsone: External Shoulder Rotation Drill

To focus on exercises for external shoulder rotation, you can look beyond the shoulder to positions that challenge the entire body. Watch as Sue Falsone makes shoulder correctives a ful...

Adam Wolf: Shoulder Impingement and Humeral Head Positioning

Adam Wolf demonstrates a simple assessment to observe asymmetries in shoulder mobility and anatomical causes of shoulder impingement.

shoulder anatomy, shoulder injury

Shoulder Health: An Overview of Anatomy and Injury

Shoulder health involves understanding a complex joint—the body's most mobile and least stable. Small changes to anatomy can mean big injuries. There are many ways to injure your shou...

Shoulder Anatomy and Dealing with a Shoulder Injury

An interview with former Major League Baseball Head Athletic Trainer & Physical Therapist Sue Falsone The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. As a shallow ball and ...

Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction Excerpt

Excerpted from Corrective Exercise Solutions to Common Hip and Shoulder Dysfunction Evan Osar From the Introduction, pages 7-16, edited for space In his book How the Mighty Fall, author...