
I can see the download here, but I can’t watch the video

Are you able to view other mp4 files? If not, you may need a plugin for your quicktime program. You may be missing the codec that plays MP4 videos (that's...

I downloaded the files to my computer, but how do I get the book to my iPad?

Here's a link to how to transfer files from a Mac to an iPad. Here's a link to how to transfer files from a PC to an iPad.

I wanted to read the PDF on my iPad but I can’t open it.

Apple devices don't always have a PDF reader, so you may need a free app for that. Here's the free reader from Adobe.

I have an iPad and can’t open my ebook files from the Zip folder

First, you can just download the specific file you want using the individual download links. You don't have to trouble over the Zip file formats if you do...

My video file won’t download to my iPad

If you're having trouble with a large video download, check your Energy Saving option in the System Preferences. If the hard drive is set to sleep after 1...