Assessing Movement: A Contrast in Approaches & Future Directions

I was asked to set up the filming for this event, and I couldn’t be more excited. This will be brilliant!

Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:00am-5:00pm

Hosted by Stanford Sports Medicine
Li Ka Shing Medical Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
Limited Enrollment—$400; $325 Early Bird—Registration Page

Please download this event flyer to share with your colleagues.

Your professional life in today’s world involves a delicate balance between evidence-based practice and the techniques that work, whether or not they’ve been studied—or perhaps can’t even be explained with our current knowledge base.

Are there procedures you use in the clinic
that can’t be proved in the lab?

Is there solid, lab-based research you just
can’t seem to make work in practice?





Where do we go to get these important questions answered? Let’s turn to three of the most experienced educators in the field of movement: Professor and researcher Stuart McGill, physical therapist Gray Cook and chiropractic physician Craig Liebenson.


As the head of the Spine Biomechanics Lab at the University of Waterloo, Stuart, with his nearly 30 years of research as back-up, can explain how the low back functions and how we get low back injuries—and perhaps how to prevent them.


Gray, after spending the past 20 years treating patients in the clinic and coaching strength athletes in the gym, knows what works in his practice, and can clarify that experience. His time on the road lecturing about modern movement issues and his work with the Functional Movement Screen gives him extraordinary opportunity to share data with his colleagues in the medical field. His expertise is what truly works in the clinic.


With a clinical practice founded on the movement principals learned directly from Professors Karel Lewit and Vladimir Janda, Craig knows the questions you want answered. He knows where Gray and Stuart agree, and where they disagree, and it will be his job to moderate a path through the areas of harmony…and to where the thinking of these two leaders diverge. Craig’s mission for this event is to help these two experts guide a new generation of clinicians in what works, and what doesn’t work.

The underlying goal for the day is a lofty one:
They want to develop a road map
for the future movement, assessments and rehabilitation.

  • They’ll discuss the contrast in their approaches—quantifying movement in controlled & chaotic environments.
  • What’s the difference between movement competency and capacity? Which should we strive for, and when?
  • How do we qualify someone for an activity?
  • Can we predict injury risk?
  • What is the role of movement screening? Is it a compass or GPS?
  • The alchemy of training: Which exercises are more primary? What can—or cannot—be corrected?

book covers

Format: Our faculty teaches many hands-on seminars around the world. This program is unique in that the approaches will be contrasted & controversies openly discussed in a series of talks followed by Q & A sessions involving the audience.

Filming: This event will be filmed for DVD for those who aren’t able to make the trip.

Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be given after October 1, 2013.

Registration Page: Assessing Movement on

Questions: Please contact Dr Roy Page at

Course Hotel: Hotel info will be posted soon.

ISCRS members who register for this program by 9/1/13 are eligible to receive a $50 discount to DNS in AZ this November.


Stanford School of Medicine
International Society of Clinical Rehab Specialists
Functional Movement Systems
Selective Functional Movement Assessment
Movement Education Group
LA Sports & Spine