Posts tagged "Stuart Mcgill"

Stuart McGill: Scientific Odds Ratios and Injury
Stuart McGill gives us a quick review on understanding the statistics of injury risk, discusses what his studies have learned about injuries in first respo...

Craig Liebenson: Assessment, Analyzation and Prioritization
For Craig Liebenson, assessment is about efficiency. Expect to get results, and don’t be surprised by them when you get them.

Chris Holder: Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Are We Lifting the Athleticism Out of Our Athletes?
Strength and conditioning coaches exist to fully prepare their athletes for the endeavors and challenges ahead. We may also be hurting them if we lift without guiding principles.

More Reasons Why the Squat is Called the King of Exercises
The second installment of the squat primer: the information you need to understand the squat as a movement pattern and exercise . . . and get more from it for yourself and your clients.

Stuart McGill: Hip Anatomy
Is it ever all right to lose the deep squat? Stuart McGill discusses the reality that many people don’t have the hip anatomy to keep it.

Craig Liebenson: Restoring Hip Extension
Gluteal amnesia? Craig Liebenson discusses hip extension, delayed glute activation and shows some of the reactive techniques that have been developed to reset and restore this important...

Stuart McGill: Taking Charge of Back Pain — Empowering Self-Advocacy
Dr. Stuart M. McGill discusses the specific information that the individual with back pain needs to know to be an educated self-advocate and help take control of their painful spine. Wo...

Assessing Movement: A Contrast in Approaches & Future Directions
I was asked to set up the filming for this event, and I couldn’t be more excited. This will be brilliant! Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:00am-5:00pm Hosted by Stanford Sports Medi...