Posts tagged "deadlift"

Boris Bachmann: Deadlift Stud, Squat Dud
Boris Bachmann, the Squat RX guy, answers a few questions from people struggling to bring their squat up to the level of their deadlift (and that’s a lot...

Charlie Weingroff: The Hip Hinge from the Neuromuscular Perspective
Charlie Weingroff elaborates on the importance of the hip hinge from the neuromuscular perspective . . . and why he thinks you should be able to touch your toes before you deadlift.

How to Coach a Bigger Deadlift
Get more from the deadlift: Here are tips from Gray Cook, Dan John, Mike Boyle and other masters that will help you coach your clients to bigger numbers and better form on this multi-ta...

Gray Cook: Get The Toe Touch Before You Teach The Deadlift
Stiffness is there for a reason . . . When you correct the mobility, do you check the stability? Gray Cook walks you through an example by using the toe touch as a precursor to the dead...

Charlie Weingroff: Hip Hinge Biomechanics
Charlie Weingroff takes a biomechanical look at why the hip hinge is so important to lifts and swings and discusses why it may be difficult to get back as far as you should.

Gray Cook: Corrective Exercise at The Edge of Ability
Corrective exercise should not be a rehearsal of outputs. Instead, it should represent challenging opportunities to manage mistakes at a fundamental level near the edge of ability. Mana...