Posts tagged "TRX"

Dan John: Symmetry Work
What’s missing in strength training? Dan says “Symmetry Work” . . . and shows you just the kind of lifts and exercises he uses to identify and correc...

Robert Dos Remedios: Building Better Athletes with Optimal Program Design
What do your athletes really need? Robert Dos Remedios wants to make sure that your program design has the right focus—building better athletes.

Alwyn Cosgrove: Kneeling Exercise Choices for Glute Firing
Tall-kneeling exercises are the natural go-to for glute firing . . . but which ones? Alwyn Cosgrove brings you into his thought process.

Mark Reifkind: Shoulder Mobility
Mark Reifkind discusses the reality of living with injuries and shares a stretch to help regain shoulder mobility before your workout.