
Dan John Goblet Squat

Dan John Goblet Squat

by Dan John Excerpted from Intervention, pages 135-138 The greatest impact I’ve had on strength and conditioning starts with a story. Years ago, faced wi...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 48

As a type this I am flying cross country and then off to Galway, Ireland. Adrian Cradock, one of my former interns, is getting married and I am thrilled to be going. I also just finishe...

planes of human motion

Sagittal, Frontal and Transverse Planes: Planes of Human Motion

What are the planes of motion and why do we care? While it's true most of us don't really *need* to know this stuff, it's also true we're often going to bump into the terms when reading...

Lecture Listing

Lectures by Name, First Name Alphabetical Alwyn Cosgrove: Designing Semi-Private Training Programs Ann Wendel: Autoimmune Illnesses & Chronic Pain, Nutrition and Training Barb Hoog...

Treating and Preventing Knee Pain and Knee Injuries

“You need knee surgery. You’re out for the season.” Knee problems can be devastating. Serious knee injuries can be career enders that require expensive surgery and months of rehab...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 47

I buy a lot of books and programs off the internet. This, of course, also puts me on a lot of mailing lists. Over time, I began to notice some of them really go down the old rabbit hole...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 46

As I type this, I am within walking distance of the hospital I was born and just down the road from South San Francisco. I’m here for my 40th High School Reunion. It was a grand time ...

Attract a Steady Stream of New Clients Using Facebook Ads

Need more clients? Read this article to learn how to get more Getting a steady stream quality leads is big challenge for many businesses. And yet, it remains an essential element of run...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 45

A few years ago, I bought John T. Reed’s book Succeeding for both me and my son-in-law, Andrew Jolley. Fathers of the bride take note: I also sent him to Anthony Robbin’s workshop...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John: Wandering Weights, Issue # 44

Last week, I put the final touches on my edits of my next book, Never Let Go II. For those of you who missed my long rambling explanations on education, I put forth two basic methods: s...

Choosing The Right Footwear for Fitness and Performance

Footwear science and footwear innovation is one of the most misunderstood areas of fitness and performance. The internet is full of articles about the best footwear, the best minimal ru...