Posts in "Articles"

Coaching Movements and Skills with Nick Winkelman
There are two parts to great coaching. The first is possessing the right knowledge—what techniques to use, what exercises to use, what drills to use and ...

Using the Functional Movement Screen in Groups
“Sorry, but I can’t afford that.” It’s a phrase that many trainers have heard before from people wanting to work with them one on one. The high price of one-on-one training, whi...

A quick chat with Dan John about assessments
Assessments are powerful tools that allow coaches and trainers to identify the big issues holding their clients back. By arming them with the right information, assessments allow coache...

Becoming the First Female Head Athletic Trainer in the MLB
An Interview with Sue Falsone on her Career in Professional Sports as a Physical Therapist and Athletic Trainer Sue Falsone is the owner of Structure and Function, a consulting and edu...

Shoulder Anatomy and Dealing with a Shoulder Injury
An interview with former Major League Baseball Head Athletic Trainer & Physical Therapist Sue Falsone The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. As a shallow ball and ...

Functional Movement Screen [Infographic]
Use this comprehensive infographic to review the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) with your clients or training staff.

The Ultimate Guide to Losing Fat [Infographic]
This infographic page provides a simple glimpse of the habits-based fat loss program created by Josh Hillis and Dan John. Use it to decide if this program is right for you, or your clie...

Dan John’s Four Quadrants [Infographic]
This infographic is a fabulous overview of Dan John's Quadrants concept. A quick review will help you decide how far you want to dive into this effective workout programming idea.

Hacking The Hinge Interview With Charlie Weingroff And Mark Cheng
This Charlie Weingroff & Mark Cheng infographic shows the major points of importance of the hip hinge: why, how, common mistakes and much more.

What is the Functional Movement Screen?
What is a movement screen? The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is used to systematically rate and rank movement patterns. The FMS focuses on identifying significant limitations or asym...