Posts tagged "Chip Conrad"

Chip Conrad: Goal Setting, Level One
What is motivating your clients? Will it keep them motivated? Chip Conrad explains why discerning their motivation is the first step of setting realistic g...

Chip Conrad: Pushup and Plank Stability
Chip Conrad tells why he uses planking and pushups to stabilize, support and strengthen the spine and offers advice on the one movement you should you think about when you do push-ups.

Chip Conrad
Chip Conrad, physical culturist, adventurer, author and lecturer, is the author of How to Create a Holistic Athlete video with Dan John Lift With Your Head book Strength Rituals DVD ...

Dan John & Chip Conrad: Winning Combination
Dan John: A Systems Approach to Coaching & Training & Chip Conrad: How to Create a Holistic Athlete What a winning combination! Without intention, Dan and Chip’s lectures flow...

Chip Conrad: How to Create a Holistic Athlete DVD Links Page
How to Create a Holistic Athlete DVD links page, in order of appearance Chip Conrad With Dan John Link to Dan’s A Systems Approach to Training DVD links pa...