Posts tagged "exercise program design"

Gray Cook: Don’t Rush the Movement Learning Process
During the first four weeks of strength training, your cellular metabolism and cellular structure don’t change. What happens? Movement learning happens ....

Stacy Barrows: Foam Roller History and Practical Use
Can we do anything without a foam roller anymore? Stacy Barrows fills you in on why they are so popular and why they work so well . . . when used correctly.

Dan John: The Art of Coaching
Sure, there’s a science of coaching . . . But for Dan John, the art of coaching is what gets results: The art of making people think what they need to do is what they want to do.

Lee Burton: Active Straight Leg Raise — Corrective or Conditioning?
Beyond a screen, is the Active Straight Leg Raise a corrective, a workout or conditioning exercise? Lee Burton explains how it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

Chris Holder: An Argument for Early Specialization in Sports
The argument against early specialization is a strong one, but Chris Holder believes that an early focus on one sport can be beneficial, if done correctly with a dedicated, well thought...

Mike Boyle: Understanding and Training Hip Flexion
The key to injury prevention and injury rehab is a sound understanding of functional anatomy. Mike Boyle clears up misconceptions about the anatomy responsible for hip flexion.

Chuck Wolf: Discovering the “Whys” of Injury
Fitness professionals do well with the "whats, whens and hows" of program design. Chuck Wolf considers the importance and priority of understanding the “whys” of injury.

Emily Splichal: Time to Stabilization and Athlete Injury Risk
The anticipation of stabilization must be so well programmed that peak stability occurs before ground contact. Emily Splichal discusses time to stabilization in regard to performance an...

Joe Di Stefano: Training for Obstacle Course Racing
Whether you are training to survive or compete, obstacle course racing requires specific programming. Spartan Race’s Pro Team manager, Joe DiStefano, knows what it takes.

Brett Jones: Push Press for Power
What is power? Do you have the foundation for the power that you want to accomplish your goals? Brett Jones uses the push press as an example of using patterns to build strength . . . t...

Dan John: ‘Get Back Up’ Drill for Older Clients
Thousands of Americans die every year from falls and fall-related injuries. The right exercises for your older clients can help prevent falls and Dan John’s Get Back Ups may be the ke...