Posts in "Articles"

Taylor Lewis: Communication — The Missing Key Between Performance and Rehab

Why is it so hard to bridge the gap between rehab and performance? Taylor Lewis proposes a few methods to improve communication between exercise specialist...

Mark Cheng: Movement Starts with Breathing

Any discussion of fundamental movement starts with breathing. If the breathing is not correct, the body is rejecting whatever you’re trying to teach it. Mark Cheng demonstrates a simp...

Maggie Selzer & Garrett Bullock: What is Motor Control?

When you use the term “motor control,” you know what you mean. But do you know what motor control means to your listener? To your colleagues? What is motor control and why is it so ...

Gray Cook: There Are Things You Shouldn’t Coach

The best coaches know what not to coach. They know that there are training setbacks and injuries that limit them. But at any given time on the training continuum, they also know the thi...

Brian Gwaltney: The Tangential Model of Periodization

How would an engineer look at strength and conditioning? Brian Gwaltney uses a unique background to look at how theories of periodization work out in real life.

Dan John: Symmetry Work

What’s missing in strength training? Dan says “Symmetry Work” . . . and shows you just the kind of lifts and exercises he uses to identify and correct asymmetries.

Sue Falsone: The Breath

Are you devoting enough time to your client’s breathing? The breath influences our actions and emotions and is influenced by our actions and emotions . . . and chances are, it’s hav...

Stuart McGill: Creating Strong Default Patterns

Spine expert Stuart McGill focuses on how he creates the strongest default patterns – good patterns that can be strengthened with load.

Dan John: Do It and Diet

If fat loss happens in the kitchen, what’s the point of all that exercise? Follow Dan John on a journey into diet, exercise and, most important, habit.

Lorimer Moseley: Pain, Stimulus and Meaning

What does it mean when pain changes while the stimulus remains the same? Lorimer Moseley looks at the complexity of pain beyond nociception.

Thomas Plummer: Please, Stop Obsessing

Career. Money. Relationships . . . Stop obsessing about what you are going to do with your life. Live it. Now.