Posts in "Blog"

Before We Go, Dan John

Dan John: Four Ways to Fire Up Work Capacity

by Dan John Work capacity is that ability to perform work, which determines your level of fitness that will, in turn, determine your level of preparedness...

T-Spine Mobility: Why It’s Important

Many of our daily activities are often done sitting down, rounding through the thoracic spine, which can wreak havoc on posture and put stress on the rest of the body. In this collectio...

Dan John Wandering Weights

Dan John’s Wandering Weights

Our Epic Journey Through All Things Heavy Sometimes you miss the most interesting training-related articles of the week. Let’s fix that. Sometimes the ideas in the most talked-abo...

Dan John & Chip Conrad: Winning Combination

Dan John: A Systems Approach to Coaching & Training & Chip Conrad: How to Create a Holistic Athlete What a winning combination! Without intention, Dan and Chip’s lectures flow...

Chip Conrad: How to Create a Holistic Athlete DVD Links Page

How to Create a Holistic Athlete DVD links page, in order of appearance Chip Conrad With Dan John Link to Dan’s A Systems Approach to Training DVD links pa...

Lorimer Moseley: On Pain

When Craig Liebenson introduced me to Lorimer Moseley as a suggestion to film his Pain lecture at Jason Tonley’s Cynergy Education event, I was pleased. But I had no clue what a g...

Dan John, A Systems Approach to Training DVD Links Page

A Systems Approach to Coaching & Training DVD links page, in order of appearance Dan John With Chip Conrad Link to Chip’s How to Create a Holistic Athlete DVD links page Film...

Thom Plummer: Building a Successful Fitness Business

When you combine Dave’s 55-year history haunting various gyms around the world with his unusual insight into training flow to design a bodybuilding gym, the resulting space has all th...

Assessing Movement: A Contrast in Approaches & Future Directions

I was asked to set up the filming for this event, and I couldn’t be more excited. This will be brilliant! Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:00am-5:00pm Hosted by Stanford Sports Medi...

What Questions Does Gray Cook Answer in the New Key Exercises DVD?

A few years ago, Tim Ferriss got Gray to create a program for him when he interviewed Gray in what Tim later called the most important chapter of his bestselling book, The Four Hour Bod...

Gray Cook Functional Exercise DVDGray Cook Functional Exercise DVD

Key Functional Exercises You Should Know: New Gray Cook DVD

What’s the difference between functional exercise and corrective exercise? Do you know? Stop right here for a sec and consider that. Can you give a confident answer? When Gray Cook ca...